Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Up and running on Windows 7 RC

Well it only took about 8 hours total for me to get totally up and running on the RC for Windows 7. Using the Windows Easy File Transfer to "backup" my data and settings proved to be a real time saver. It saved all of the normal stuff like Firefox and IE settings, as well as Outlook calendar/contacts. It did not, however, save my Thunderbird settings. I suppose if I knew how to tweak it better I could have managed that, too, but it sure was cool to get all My Documents and many settings back w/o any effort. I made normal backups just in case, but didn't need them as the Easy File Transfer came off w/o a hitch.

Firefox is behaving a little slowly tonight. I did some "peformance tweaking" as described on TechRepublic, but it seems I'm getting a lot of spinning. I don't know if it's because these new settings are butting heads with uTorrent or if it just happens to be the sites I'm visiting tonight. I'll monitor, and if it continues, I'll probably revert to more normal settings to see if it makes a difference.

It's been pretty slim pickings on DIME and Demonoid this week....very few items I actually cared about. I did find the soundtrack for "O Brother, Where Art Thou", which is currently playing in Winamp.

On a different note, Sharon Corr (violinist and backup vocalist for The Corrs) has been hard at work on her new solo album. Since the group is on an extended hiatus, she decided to put out some solo stuff. Per her new website the first single will be released in early June, and she is scheduled to appear at many summer festivals across Europe. No release date on the album, but I'll post it here as soon as I see one.

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