Well, that was much easier than I thought. It took just a couple of minutes to get my old WRT54G Linksys wireless router up and running as an access point, thereby allowing me to disable the somewhat unreliable wireless access through my AT&T RG. Here's how I did it:
1. I disabled wireless on the RG
2. I plugged my WRT54G (port 1) into a free port on my Linksys Workgroup Switch.
3. Since my WRT54G was already set up as, I didn't have to modify that, but I did have to disabled DHCP on the Basic Setup screen.
3. The "Internet Connection Type" was set to "Automatic Configuration - DHCP", so I left it there (later I actually tried setting it to "Disabled", and that broke the wireless connections, so I put it back).
4. Since this router had been set up prior with all the wireless security and features, I didn't have to monkey around with any more settings.
It just works! Hopefully my son won't have wireless disconnects during his marathon WoW sessions now. The only other tidbit of data is that I'm running firmware v4.71.1 Hpyerwrt 2.1b1 + Thibor15c [May 12 2006]. I installed that some time ago for my torrent activity, and see no reason to change.
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